Thursday, November 28, 2013

Natural remedies against acne pimples

What is acne?

natural acne remedies
Namely it is easier to cure adolescents than in adults. Not less than 80-90% of adolescents are affected at one time or another and more boys than girls.

Acne is a skin disease characterized by the eruption of pimples and reddish lesions. This can leave scars when it is deep.

We must absolutely avoid scratching as it can keep acne and cause scarring.

Particularly affected is the face and chest, but also the back, scalp or other parts of the body...

Acne usually disappears during the twenties and thirties, but sometimes it persists.

See how end through natural remedies for acne...

Excess sebum makes the skin oily and sometimes acne by clogging the duct of the sebaceous glands which facilitates the growth of bacteria PROPRIONI BACTERIUM acnes.
Note: When the clogged follicle expands too much, its inner walls break, causing redness and signs of inflammation.

There are various possible causes to the outbreak of acne. This may be the pushed hormonal puberty which causes excess sebum production.

Hormonal changes in women are also classified in the possible causes. For some 2-7 days before menstruation, acne pimples appear.

A disorder of the function of the ovaries or adrenal glands is rare.

As for a diet rich in refined products, it should be avoided.

To avoid aggravating factors in the fight against acne...

In some cases, chocolate, sugar, meats, a fast-food diet is catalysts that must be avoided otherwise make things worse.

For some people, too be exposed to grease also has a worse (for example by working in kitchens where there are tanks filled with frying oil) effect.

It will also be noted in this chapter discouraged, the sun (the heat probably) that aggravates acne, and the overflow of stress, causing hyper-sebaceous secretion.

Some natural remedies against acne...

acne natural remedies
For prevention, eat more foods rich in Omega 3 (fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts, and vegetable oil) tend to reduce inflammation.
Prefer a healthy diet (fruits, vegetables). Do not hesitate on garlic, Vitamin C Acerola example. Cabbage, lettuce, turnips and tomatoes are excellent. As algae, kelp and bladder wrack kelp to try.

And always, always drink plenty of water, at least 6 glasses per day...

To counter acne, zinc reduces lesions as glucomate: ampoules, 30 mg of elemental zinc per day.

To beautify the skin, the active beer yeast contains many B vitamins, plus many other vitamins, all excellent for cell regeneration. A sprinkle glitter to take your food or tablets. Wheat germ is also regularly consumed.
Clean skin is extremely important in the fight against the Sixties. We must go gently without rubbing the affected parts, 2 times a day. For this, it is very pleasant to use magnesium chloride, applied, with a cotton pad. Simply dilute about 1 tablespoon in a 250 ml bottle. It helps to cleanse and heal the skin. Very convenient, for example, put in a vacuum flask soap "pushed-pushed" category. It keeps very well.

And be careful if we have oily hair, washing it often and avoid contact with the face in the endearing, if they are long...

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