Saturday, November 30, 2013

Acne antibiotic treatment - Acne cures with a Difference

Acne antibiotic treatment may limit bacterial growth successfully mostly around the region of the follicle and result in a reduction of the amount of chemicals annoying, which is generally produced by white blood cells. Antibiotics also reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which causes skin redness and inflammation undesirable. Antibiotics come in the form of both oral and topical and you should have one as recommended by the doctor.

Antibiotic treatment acne - Oral antibiotics for acne

Oral antibiotics are required when acne occurs on the largest part of the body and when you are not able to apply topical acne medicine on the affected area. Tetracycline is the most common oral antibiotic. Oral medication takes care of unwanted skin inflammation, but it cannot cure acnes and prevents bacteria make their way into the pores of the skin. Doctors know how to treat bacteria and antibiotics so they prescribe medication accordingly.

Tetracycline comes with negligible side effects. When you take your sensitivity to tetracycline sun is improved and the drug may also manage to reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Accutane is the other most known antibiotic, which cures cystic acne. However, the major disadvantage of this drug is that it makes the skin very dry and flaky.

Antibiotic treatment acne - Topical antibiotics for acne

Clindamycin, erythromycin, sulfonamides and falls into the category of topical medications, which are applied directly on the acne affected areas of the body. These drugs actually come with fewer side effects. However, when topical medications are applied in a larger quantity you develop a tolerance and resistance to bacteria and therefore medicine is unable to control the growth of acne-causing bacteria in the long term.

Antibiotic treatment acne - Antibiotics are commonly used to treat acne

Tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, clindamycin and are among the most commonly used antibiotics effective against acne fighting against. However, these drugs are recommended by the doctor according to the type of acne you have. However, it is essential that you follow the right dosage of medication and avoid impending side effects, which may occur during a particular antibiotic medication.

Minocycline - This is a tetracycline derivative particularly used in the treatment of pustular acne. The initial dosage of the medicament is from 250 to 500 mg twice daily. Some of the common side effects include nausea minocycline, a change in pigmentation of the skin, discoloration of teeth and dizziness.

Doxycycline - You should always take this medicine with food or you are sure to suffer serious foul trends. The physician recommends a 50 to 100 mg of doxycycline twice daily. However, when you take this medicine your sensitivity to light is increased and you also have the chance of suffering from strokes occasional sun.

Tetracycline - This is the most commonly used antibiotics and it can efficiently verify growth at the expense of acne. The initial dosage of this drug is 500 mg and you should continue to have the medication unless you notice a marked reduction in the amount of growth the harmful acne. After acnes are reduced, the dosage should be reduced from 500 mg to 200 mg or you can stop having the medicine. For best results, you can take tetracycline empty stomach.

Warning: Children under nine years of age and pregnant women should not consume tetracycline or the result can be disastrous.

Erythromycin - This medicine has anti-inflammatory characteristics. It kills bacteria and reduces redness of the skin. The dose of this medication varies depending on your acne condition. However, the recommended dose of the drug ranges from 250 to 500 mg twice daily. This medication is safe for pregnant women can even consume it. Common side effects of erythromycin include nausea and stomach upset.

Antibiotic treatment acne - Some of the side effects experienced by women to have antibiotics to cure acne

On antibiotics for acne treatment women have a chance to experience grater candida vaginal yeast. Antibiotics may even reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.

No doubt antibiotic for acne is great, but when it is combined with other drugs and health regulations, the effect is even greater....

Friday, November 29, 2013

Tips grandmother: 3 natural masks against acne

3 natural masks against acne
3 natural masks against acne - Tired of ugly acne pimples on your face? Do not panic! Anti-acne natural remedies from our grandmother is exist!

1. 3 natural masks against acne : Mask with egg white and corn flour

To fight against the ugly acne pimples, you will simply need 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon corn-starch. To complete the task, set aside a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of cider vinegar bio and a tablespoon of water coffee.

Start by beating the white like an omelette and then gradually add the cornmeal. Then apply the paste, smooth and homogeneous on your face. Finally, apply the lotion with natural organic apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and water.

2. 3 natural masks against acne : Mask with honey and yoghurt

To achieve this natural anti acne mask, mix 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 teaspoons of yogurt, 4 teaspoons lemon juice and 1 egg white until you get a thick paste. Then apply the mask on your skin and leave for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse your face with warm water thoroughly.

3. 3 natural masks against acne : Lotion basil

Boil 3 teaspoons of basil leaves in water for 20 minutes. Allow to cool and clean morning and evening every day your face with this natural tonic.

With these remedies, you do not leave any chance for acne pimples!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Natural remedies against acne pimples

What is acne?

natural acne remedies
Namely it is easier to cure adolescents than in adults. Not less than 80-90% of adolescents are affected at one time or another and more boys than girls.

Acne is a skin disease characterized by the eruption of pimples and reddish lesions. This can leave scars when it is deep.

We must absolutely avoid scratching as it can keep acne and cause scarring.

Particularly affected is the face and chest, but also the back, scalp or other parts of the body...

Acne usually disappears during the twenties and thirties, but sometimes it persists.

See how end through natural remedies for acne...

Excess sebum makes the skin oily and sometimes acne by clogging the duct of the sebaceous glands which facilitates the growth of bacteria PROPRIONI BACTERIUM acnes.
Note: When the clogged follicle expands too much, its inner walls break, causing redness and signs of inflammation.

There are various possible causes to the outbreak of acne. This may be the pushed hormonal puberty which causes excess sebum production.

Hormonal changes in women are also classified in the possible causes. For some 2-7 days before menstruation, acne pimples appear.

A disorder of the function of the ovaries or adrenal glands is rare.

As for a diet rich in refined products, it should be avoided.

To avoid aggravating factors in the fight against acne...

In some cases, chocolate, sugar, meats, a fast-food diet is catalysts that must be avoided otherwise make things worse.

For some people, too be exposed to grease also has a worse (for example by working in kitchens where there are tanks filled with frying oil) effect.

It will also be noted in this chapter discouraged, the sun (the heat probably) that aggravates acne, and the overflow of stress, causing hyper-sebaceous secretion.

Some natural remedies against acne...

acne natural remedies
For prevention, eat more foods rich in Omega 3 (fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts, and vegetable oil) tend to reduce inflammation.
Prefer a healthy diet (fruits, vegetables). Do not hesitate on garlic, Vitamin C Acerola example. Cabbage, lettuce, turnips and tomatoes are excellent. As algae, kelp and bladder wrack kelp to try.

And always, always drink plenty of water, at least 6 glasses per day...

To counter acne, zinc reduces lesions as glucomate: ampoules, 30 mg of elemental zinc per day.

To beautify the skin, the active beer yeast contains many B vitamins, plus many other vitamins, all excellent for cell regeneration. A sprinkle glitter to take your food or tablets. Wheat germ is also regularly consumed.
Clean skin is extremely important in the fight against the Sixties. We must go gently without rubbing the affected parts, 2 times a day. For this, it is very pleasant to use magnesium chloride, applied, with a cotton pad. Simply dilute about 1 tablespoon in a 250 ml bottle. It helps to cleanse and heal the skin. Very convenient, for example, put in a vacuum flask soap "pushed-pushed" category. It keeps very well.

And be careful if we have oily hair, washing it often and avoid contact with the face in the endearing, if they are long...

Friday, November 15, 2013

Toothpaste for Acne: Fact or myth?

Toothpaste for Acne: Fact or myth?
On the surface of human skin is a common cover, and sometimes we do not even realize how complicated a system. Our skin - a huge number of different receptors, catching all sorts of impulses to the external environment, an organ exchange of heat and moisture, is breathing and, of course, a protective shell. In addition, the skin - is a kind of mirror of the state of our body. That is why any talk about the rash of some internal problems and should be treated primarily cause, not the consequence.

To date, there are so many different recipes that can help in the fight against acne. This fashionable cosmetic procedures and tools produced by medical companies, and dietary techniques, and proven over the year’s traditional recipes. In addition, there are specific recommendations for getting rid of acne. The main are the following: the appearance of rashes should use special face towel, often change the bed linen and towels, try not to touch her face, to give up smoking, use cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type, etc.

It is no secret that the original toothpaste created for the sole purpose of hygienic oral care, but necessity is the mother of invention, and after a while become more toothpaste and cosmetic remedy for inflamed skin. To some, this method may seem very doubtful. We hasten to admit that toothpaste on pimples can only help in some cases. This recipe is the exception rather than the rule.

The special effect is achieved in the case of lesions that are associated with local skin inflammation. First you need to understand that the effect of the use of toothpaste for acne will depend on the type of facilities, as well as your skin type. There are pasta, comprised of special agents are actively struggling with acne. However, there are pastas that do not have a pimple on absolutely any action, and only cause further irritation.

Toothpaste acts exactly the same as the mask: it extends from the skin all the pollution. Online you can find pasta, which in its composition containing menthol and alcohol - ingredients other than bilge, characteristics. Thanks to these components, you can get rid of the hated acne.

Thus, the procedure will need ordinary white toothpaste. Not buy an expensive color gel or paste; because the desired result will not bring it. Not suitable as a means of containing in its composition whitening particles. Preferably choose toothpastes fitoliny, for example, with oak bark and chamomile. Finally I would like to note that the toothpaste - rather, it is a radical, rather than a daily method of dealing with acne and acne.

The modern market offers a huge variety of specialized funds: lotions, tonics, creams, etc., that when used properly, can yield much better results than ordinary toothpaste, without damaging the skin. In any case, the appearance of this problem, first of all, seeks professional advice of the beautician. And already following they recommendation, adopted for the eradication of this unpleasant and unwanted rash.

Getting rid of acne with Skinoren

Getting rid of acne with Skinoren
Perhaps few things are as spoils mood as the appearance of facial acne. No magnificent makeup or stylish haircut or a stunning outfit cannot distract from annoying blemishes in the skin. I must say that there was not a problem today or even yesterday. Most likely, as there are so much to humanity, it is struggling with acne. However, unlike the old doctor, modern dermatologists have an arsenal of tools to help you cope with this very common disease. Not only that, every year there are more and more effective treatments for problem skin. One such tool is the excellent results in clinical trials: Skinoren.

Produced Skinoren, the main active substance is azelaic acid, in the form of a gel or cream for external use. He has a pronounced antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria that cause acne. In addition Skinoren significantly reduces the number of comedo and reduces the secretion of fatty acids also contribute to acne. Skinoren best helps in the treatment of mild acne and can be a means of maintenance therapy. Skinoren act begins about two weeks after the application.

Getting rid of acne with Skinoren

Skinoren is the means have a complex effect on the skin. It not only kills bacteria and stops the inflammation associated with acne, but also cleans the pores, as well as significantly reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands. According to the instructions Skinoren cream or gel should be applied to the skin twice a day, preferably immediately after the morning washing and late evening. Apply the medication directly to the affected acne skin, then gently rubbed. Skinoren apply to the complete disappearance of acne. Depending on the duration of treatment of the disease is between two and three months. With the first signs of improvement observed within two to four weeks.

In conclusion it must be said about the additional advantages Skinoren. It can be used with other drugs, it moisturizes the skin, and colorless, sticky consistency has not and does not cause shine. Skinoren favorably with other drugs and that is combined with any make-up and is capable of applying makeup.

The disadvantages include Skinoren only that it sometimes causes irritation in the first days of treatment and need to be protected from the sun. Apart hypersensitive Skinoren has two contra-indications: it is illegal for people with hypersensitive skin and pregnant women.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Acne Rosacea Treatment

Acne Rosacea Treatment
Rosacea is often described as acne. However, it is not really acne, because it is less a skin problem that neurological status. Skin overreacts makes some changes in the temperature and for different chemicals in order to cause itching, redness and even disturbing changes in texture. There are three tips for acne rosacea treatment that will surely clarify the situation in a short period of time.

1. Deglycyrrhuzinated licorice (DGL) for acne rosacea treatment

There are studies that you are what you eat. Chances are that the foods you eat are those that trigger your rosacea. There is indeed a relationship between rosacea and bacteria Helicobacter pylorans which is about 85% of stomachs that are inflamed by peptic ulcers. Kill the bacteria using the LGC stops the ulcer. When antibiotic therapy has become the standard for stomach ulcers, most doctors began to notice that DGL has also helped clear up acne rosacea. Thus, it is considered that DGL is a very good treatment for this kind of skin condition.

2. Acne rosacea treatment by preventing from antacids.

It is indeed a rare thing for people who have the disease of the skin to have little acid in their stomach, even if they have bacterial infection that causes ulcers. Keep in mind that low stomach acid leads in various food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies, and even cracking or peeling nails. If you have these symptoms, try to avoid these substances for a few days and see if your skin clears up.

3. Have a good diet for acne rosacea treatment

It is a very good acne rosacea treatment. Keep in mind that there are many foods that might trigger its appearance and those that may prevent them from reproducing. So, just try to observe the food you take and try to have a balanced and nutritious diet.

If you want to have beautiful skin and sweet face, then it would be a good thing for you to try these tips for acne rosacea treatment mentioned above and then apply it to yourself.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Tar soap for acne

Tar soap for acne - an old folk remedy to keep the skin healthy. For our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, it was familiar and commonplace tool for the daily care of their skin, but has since gradually emerged from extensive use. But today, thanks to new developments in the use of cosmetics natural, is undeservedly forgotten natural skin care products again in the everyday life of modern man. Especially used tar soap for acne.

But the area efficiency of tar soap is not limited to the treatment of acne. It can help you get rid of hair loss, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and eczema. With its unique tar soap must birch tar, which contains is at about 10%. A birch tar has powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic properties. In combination with birch tar soap increases blood circulation of the skin tissue and accelerates regeneration. Thanks to these properties of tar wounds and various injuries to the skin dries, what accelerates the process of healing.

Tar soap for acne is unique for its versatility: it is suitable for all skin types, all ages and gender. Moreover, it does not dry or irritate the skin unlike any ordinary soap.

Highest quality tar soap is handmade in factories or soap-boiler-lovers. It is usually produced in solid form as a bar and in a liquid form as a gel. Liquid tar soap has a less pronounced characteristic smell.

Tar soap for acne - effective application

The effective application of tar soap for acne is enough to wash their face or other problem areas twice a day - morning and evening. After rinsing your face tar soap and warm water should be rinsed with cold water. Contrast washing a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin, blood circulation and metabolism of the skin cells.

If the skin suddenly jumped up a spot, Scratch fingernail piece tar soap, and the number put on the sore spot for the night. By the morning of inflammation will be over.

However, tar soap has a single flaw: the smell of tar like it is not everything. To some it may seem, even unpleasant. Fortunately, this disadvantage disappears literally for 10 minutes, so it will not be too high a price for the pleasure of a clean and beautiful skin.

Beauticians and dermatologists recommend the use of tar soap, not only for the treatment of acne. If you regularly use it to wash your hair, stop hair loss, the hair will become thicker and healthier. Tar soap can treat open wounds, cracked heels. Also it is a good remedy for bed sores, scabies, burns, frostbite, boils.

Ozone therapy of acne

Use medications local effects that are applied directly to the problem areas of the skin, are not always effective. Acne - is a consequence of various disorders in the body, which is not always possible to eliminate. But do not despair: there is a proven drug-free method that is able to restore the health and beauty of your skin.

This method is called the ozone therapy. It is perfect, painless, highly effective and has almost no contraindications.

Why is it so important for our ozone life on Earth? It keeps harmful to all living things absorb ultraviolet rays and infrared radiation that comes from the earth. This is a more active form of oxygen, which raises the inhabitants of the planet mood after the storm.
By the way, is ozone in the laboratory in the same way as in nature: with electrical discharge. Production of ozone is successfully used in cosmetics: for the treatment of cellulite, obesity (locally), acne, rosacea, spider veins, telangiectasias, varicose veins, stretch marks, skin, post acne and more.

The distinguishing feature of this method is that ozone heals not only the area of the skin where it is introduced, but the whole body.

Specifically for the treatment of acne, ozone therapy is used by disinfecting properties of ozone, as well as lipolytic. The last is that ozone reduces the activity of sebaceous glands. As a germicide, ozone good heals and relieves inflammation.

Ozone therapy stimulates nutrition and improving microcirculation substances in the cells by increasing the plasticity of erythrocytes.

How it looks ozone therapy procedures in the event of a skin problem? It is a micro-injection to areas of pimples or acne. For the full disposal of the problem must be treated, which usually ranges from 7 to 15 sessions.

Pimple, which introduced the ozone comes in during the day and does not leave any scars on the skin. Applied also ozonated water or oil.

In particularly severe cases, along with ozone therapy used mesotherapy. This method - Mesotherapy - is the administration of low doses of medication under the skin using fine needles. After this procedure is virtually no trace. This method is also widely used in cosmetics, and in conjunction with ozone therapy gives excellent results.