Acne antibiotic treatment may limit bacterial growth successfully mostly around the region of the follicle and result in a reduction of the amount of chemicals annoying, which is generally produced by white blood cells. Antibiotics also reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which causes skin redness and inflammation undesirable. Antibiotics come in the form of both oral and topical and you should have one as recommended by the doctor.
Antibiotic treatment acne - Oral antibiotics for acne
Oral antibiotics are required when acne occurs on the largest part of the body and when you are not able to apply topical acne medicine on the affected area. Tetracycline is the most common oral antibiotic. Oral medication takes care of unwanted skin inflammation, but it cannot cure acnes and prevents bacteria make their way into the pores of the skin. Doctors know how to treat bacteria and antibiotics so they prescribe medication accordingly.
Tetracycline comes with negligible side effects. When you take your sensitivity to tetracycline sun is improved and the drug may also manage to reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Accutane is the other most known antibiotic, which cures cystic acne. However, the major disadvantage of this drug is that it makes the skin very dry and flaky.
Antibiotic treatment acne - Topical antibiotics for acne
Clindamycin, erythromycin, sulfonamides and falls into the category of topical medications, which are applied directly on the acne affected areas of the body. These drugs actually come with fewer side effects. However, when topical medications are applied in a larger quantity you develop a tolerance and resistance to bacteria and therefore medicine is unable to control the growth of acne-causing bacteria in the long term.
Antibiotic treatment acne - Antibiotics are commonly used to treat acne
Tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, clindamycin and are among the most commonly used antibiotics effective against acne fighting against. However, these drugs are recommended by the doctor according to the type of acne you have. However, it is essential that you follow the right dosage of medication and avoid impending side effects, which may occur during a particular antibiotic medication.
Minocycline - This is a tetracycline derivative particularly used in the treatment of pustular acne. The initial dosage of the medicament is from 250 to 500 mg twice daily. Some of the common side effects include nausea minocycline, a change in pigmentation of the skin, discoloration of teeth and dizziness.
Doxycycline - You should always take this medicine with food or you are sure to suffer serious foul trends. The physician recommends a 50 to 100 mg of doxycycline twice daily. However, when you take this medicine your sensitivity to light is increased and you also have the chance of suffering from strokes occasional sun.
Tetracycline - This is the most commonly used antibiotics and it can efficiently verify growth at the expense of acne. The initial dosage of this drug is 500 mg and you should continue to have the medication unless you notice a marked reduction in the amount of growth the harmful acne. After acnes are reduced, the dosage should be reduced from 500 mg to 200 mg or you can stop having the medicine. For best results, you can take tetracycline empty stomach.
Warning: Children under nine years of age and pregnant women should not consume tetracycline or the result can be disastrous.
Erythromycin - This medicine has anti-inflammatory characteristics. It kills bacteria and reduces redness of the skin. The dose of this medication varies depending on your acne condition. However, the recommended dose of the drug ranges from 250 to 500 mg twice daily. This medication is safe for pregnant women can even consume it. Common side effects of erythromycin include nausea and stomach upset.
Antibiotic treatment acne - Some of the side effects experienced by women to have antibiotics to cure acne
On antibiotics for acne treatment women have a chance to experience grater candida vaginal yeast. Antibiotics may even reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.
No doubt antibiotic for acne is great, but when it is combined with other drugs and health regulations, the effect is even greater....